Many of us use an ear as an excuse to start fresh. We set new goals, we change old habits, going on a diet or losing weight is a goal that many of us. So,
how to lose weight permanently and not diet. When we decide to drop 10 20 pounds in the year. We often do things like buy a gym membership. We vow to get those 10,000 steps in every day. So,we decide to go on Weight Watchers start keto paleo intermittent fasting. Everyone's body is different. What may work for you may do nothing for me. But there are some things that we should all do in order to keep those pounds off forever. This actually requires a shift in lifestyle. You can't expect to keep the weight off. If you're not willing to change habits.
The reality is that diets typically don't work long term. Unless you make serious lifestyle changes. In fact, 95% of diets fail, 95% people. So, it's not about losing the weight but rather gaining a healthy lifestyle. But with some of the tips I'm about to share with you. It might help you fall into the 5% who succeed. If you've decided that you want to go on a path towards putting your health first. That is the key to longevity and living your best life.
The 5 Best Ways to Lose Weight:
(1) Change Your Mind Set About Lose Weight:

This is everything. If you think
losing weight is a burden or a sacrifice. You're fighting a losing battle. You have to make a mindset shift about your lifestyle. The person you want to be it is your mind that decides whether or not. You're going to have that bowl of ice cream how much of it and how often. Change how you think about food and then you can start on your new path towards
lose weight.
Vision Board:

Some people make a vision board of images of how they want to be. So, if I see images that remind me of something I aspire to. That is effective and a good constant reminder to keep on track of. Why you're doing? What you're doing? But it's also really important to utilize. How it feels to be in that position now and not in the future. So, what so that when you're at a healthy weight and you feel good mentally and physically. How will that change the way you live in the world different. You need to act like that now and your mind and body will follow.
Create New Habit:

If you're not a visual person. Then maybe you should put up positive message’s encouragement to yourself. Post-it notes or mirrors or other places that you frequently look at to remind yourself of your goal. It's not really about willpower. I mean willpower is great but when you create a mindset shift. Looking forward to the green smoothie. Instead of the muffin that's when the magic happens. It can happen you fake it until you make it. You create a new habit with a mindset shift. You create a new dialogue in your head. If you hate going to the gym. Saying you hate going to the gym is only setting you up for failure. But when those feelings are procrastination and not wanting to go creep up on you. Then that's the trigger to say to yourself. I'm going to feel so much better.
After, I finish my workout it's only
30 minutes or one hour of my day. Say to yourself, I'm looking forward to going even. If you're not, you got a trick your brain. When the will to be that person? You want to be is stronger than the chocolate cake that's sitting in front of you. Then you know you're on the road to permanent weight loss.
(2) Sit Less Move More:

We all know that we need to move around more. So, why don't we do it our culture's. gradually become more sedentary. It's having an enormous negative effect on our health. Staying stationary not only affects our weight but our digestive system, our mental health, our physical health. But you know you just need to start where you are. Don't punish yourself. Because it's hard to get up and move around. If you're not in shape to run a marathon. Then start by walking at least 10 minutes a day. Then move up to 15 20 30 or more every day. Make it fun by walking with a friend or listening to a favorite podcast.
It's become so much of a ritual that my body. Actually, feels out of whack. If I don't do it. They say takes 3 to 4 weeks of daily repetition for something to become a habit. So, do it every day.
(3) Keep a Food Journal:

In a 2008 study, people who kept a food journal tracking everything. They ate doubled their weight loss. When compared to those who didn't. This is an easy way to keep yourself accountable. The reality is when we're held accountable for our actions. Were more likely to follow through its just human nature. If you feel like you may cheat. Then maybe you need to ask your partner, sibling, friend whoever to be your accountability partner. It's also good to write down. How you're feeling after eating certain foods. You don't have to write down calories unless you're like an obsessive calorie counter. But the reality is that calories is actually less important than what you're actually eating. How much of it the great thing about a food journal is with practice and patience. You'll actually start to see new habits emerge.
(4) Get Proper Sleep for Lose Weight:

There is overwhelming evidence that sleep plays a vital role in weight management along with diet and exercise. Lack of sleep can raise cortisol levels which causes fat retention around the midsection. We know that fatigue makes it harder to exercise. Let's be real you'll pretty much have zero willpower to do much of anything let alone diet. When your sleeper deprived. If you're having problems sleeping try melatonin or CBD.
(5) Reduce the Sugar, Carbs and Processed Foods:

So, many of us are addicted to sugar and carbs. We reach for that piece of bread which we think is going to satisfy the hunger craving. We can't resist the Entenmann's Danish sitting on the counter. It's not your fault. You walk into a supermarket and it's freaking everywhere. It's easy and it tastes good. We've been conditioned to like and become addicted to these foods. It gives us a short temporary high. That only makes us crave more. But believe it or not you can also crave dark leafy greens and fruit. Its serious, first off, it's easier not to buy it. If it's not in your house. You're less likely to eat it. Instead of two pieces of toast have one every other day. Create substitutes instead of sugar try honey or agave.

You can totally do this. Don't allow the food companies and ads to rule your life.
Lose weight and creating a healthier lifestyle has enormous long-term effects. You save money, on future medical bills and future medications. Also, you have more energy to do things. You never thought possible your mood will change. You're likely to be happier that sounds like a pretty good trade-off. It won't be easy and it certainly will not happen overnight. But you keep focused and you don't approach it as though. This is a diet. You got to change the attitude, change your life. You deserve better if you thought.
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