Coronavirus Preventions and Different from Influenza

Coronavirus Preventions: Wash your hands with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Try not to touch your face or your mouth. Used Masks.
A new coronavirus and this are a virus that just emerged and was recently discovered about a month ago. Most of the activity in the world is in China and that's where the concern has been so it is a new virus. There is a whole family of corona viruses but this is a different one. There are other corona viruses that do cause colds and other respiratory illnesses. A new one that was just discovered a month ago. Here some Coronavirus Preventions you must be followed.

When it comes to protecting oneself from respiratory viruses. It's the good old standard advice that works in cold and flu season. Right first and foremost every year get your flu shot it's actually the best way to protect yourself against influenza other things that you can do.

Coronavirus Preventions:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • If you don't have access to soap and water use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Try not to touch your face or your mouth so much with your hands, especially if they haven't been cleaned.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze.
  • Ideally with a tissue and if you don't have a tissue use your sleeve or your elbow and then after you do that wash your hands again.
  • If you're sick with signs of a respiratory illness whether it's a cougher, a fever or runny nose. Please stay home let your body recover.
  • But also, not only are you doing good for yourself, you're preventing the spread of disease to others.

Coronavirus Mask:

If you are not sick the likelihood that your gonna gets much protection and this is in the general public. If you're a health care worker completely different set of rules but just a member of the general public being out and about in the community wearing a mask is not likely to do much good for you. Where it is good as a member of the general public is look if you're sick with a respiratory illness cold flu or any other virus of that sort. There is some advantage to wearing a mask to stop the spread of your disease to other people. Particularly, if you're sick, stay home. If you can write the cover get better. If you have to go out to visit the doctor or to run an errand to pick up something from the medical store.

Question about Coronavirus:

  • Why does the flu hit some people?
  • Why is it so serious for some people?
It's the immunity issue and the flu are mostly hitting older people and younger people. The group in the middle with adults who have chronic conditions. Especially, people with diabetes or people are autoimmune medications.
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